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( 02164 ) – 271462
Choice Code : 601629310

Department Of Electrical Engineering

Government Polytechnic, Karad

Department Of Electrical Engineering


Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory


Name of Lab

Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Lab In charge

Mrs. Sunita S. Ingole

Lab Technician

Smt. Satvashila G. Kolekar

Lab Area

66 m2

Lab Total Investment

Rs. 2,76,327/- (Approx.)

Equipment Details

Sr. No. Major Equipment Cost in Rs.
1. Variable Inductor: 5A (2 nos.) 8,216/-
2. Digital Multimeters (4 nos.) 5,664/-
3. Portable Drill machine 6,450/-
4. Electrical Machine Trainer – TURBO 2000 46,000/-
5. Tubular Rheostat: (500W, 1.2A) (3 nos.) 2,910/-
6. Tubular Rheostat: (360W, 1.2A) (3 nos.) 3,368/-
7. Tubular Rheostat: (50W, 5A) (2 nos.) 4,988/-
8. Dielectric Heating Unit: 1 kW 78,312/-
9. Transformers: 3Ph, 3kVA, 415V/415V 14,935/-
10. R. C. C. B. (ELCB): (4 nos.) 10,348/-
11. MCCB: (50A) (2 nos.) 4,218/-
12. Transformer Oil Testing Kit 28,500/-
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